First of all, Brad and I want to express our thanks to all of our friends, family and those of you that we've never met who are walking along with us on this journey. We have been overwhelmed and humbled by the huge outpouring of prayer over Brady's health, our physical and emotional needs, and probably lots of things I have no clue about. This is what Christ's body looks like, mobilized and taking action. This is the type of faith that I am so thrilled for Brady to see modeled in those people who have been so touched by his story already- and he's not even 9 months old. So, with tears in my eyes, I thank you.
On to today's news:
Brady developed a blod clot in his IVC (The inferior vena cava (or IVC), also known as the posterior vena cava, is the large vein that carries de-oxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the right atrium of the heart.- thank you Wikipedia!) late last night, so they performed an ultrasound to find out for sure.
His A-Line went bad last night (it wasn't able to draw labs any more) and because of his Down Syndrome, he has extra small arteries and it's hard for them to re-insert them. They performed a small procedure where the opened up his left wrist and inserted the line with the artery visible. This means they now have a clear reading of his blood pressure and other vital signs.
He's tested negative for any bacterial infection for the last 48 hours (Praise God!) which rules out things like pneumonia, so they took him off antibiotics.
Because he held stable for the last 24 hours under the current routine, they took him off the paralytic medication, added an anti-coagulant (for the blod clot) and have started giving him formula through an NG tube in addition to IV fluids.
So as parents, the fun is now just starting. Brady is starting to respond to touch and sound (apparently he's still ticklish when sedated! ), although because he's still on a breathing tube they are going to keep him pretty sedated until that comes out, so they don't aggravate his pulmonary hypertension.
Many of you have expressed admiration for how we're doing right now, and don't think we don't appreciate it. But like I was telling my dad earlier tonight, it's pretty easy to trust God with the stuff that you don't think you can have control over. It's the little things like getting a house moved, or figuring out what dinner's going to be, or what to wear when you leave the room in the morning that are harder to recognize God's providence in. For Brad and I, learning how to trust that God's will is being done in every aspect of our lives is a much harder lesson to learn.
In all things we continue to pray without ceasing, and give glory to God who takes care of the big things and the small things. We thank you all for doing the same.
Continued prayers on my morning run!